Hana Skoumalová — Home Page
I work at the Institute of Theoretical & Computational
Linguistics, at
Faculty of Arts, Charles
University as a researcher since 1990. Before I worked at the
Institute for Computing Machinery (VÚMS) in Prague. At the
faculty, I do not only the research but I also teach and work as a
system administrator.
My tools
- Gadget which helps you with positional tags
Projects in which I participated
- RUSLAN (1987-90) -- machine translation from Czech to Russian
- MATRACE (1990-92) -- MAchine TRAnslation between Czech and English
- Czech corpus (1993-95)
- LaTeSLAV (1993-96) -- grammar checker for Czech and Bulgarian
- CEGLEX (1995-96) -- electronic lexicons for languages of Central
Europe; continuation of GENELEX project
- Czech in the era of computers (1996-2000); grant GACR 405/96/K214
- Agile:
Automatic Generation of Instructions in Languages of Eastern Europe
- Czech National Corpus and Corpora of Other Languages -- research
project of Faculty of Arts / CEZ: J13/98112100002 (1999-2003)
- Computerization of Old-Czech Dictionary -- GA405/00/1732 (2000-2001)
Articles and books
- Skoumalová Hana:
- "Extracting Dictionaries from Parallel Corpora". In:
Proceedings of The Third Baltic Conference on Human Language
Technologies, Vytautas Magnus University, 2008, pp. 297-301,
ISBN 978-9955-704-53-9.
- Skoumalová Hana:
- "Multiverb expressions in Czech". In: The Proceedings of
TROSS - Trondheim Summer School on
Multi-Verb-Constructions, NTNU, 2003.
- Skoumalová Hana:
- "Verb Frames Extracted from Dictionaries". In: The Prague
Bulletin of Mathematical Linguistics, Charles University,
Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Number 77, 2002, pp. 19-62,
ISSN 0032-6585.
- Skoumalova Hana:
- Czech syntactic
lexicon. Ph.D. dissertation, Charles University,
Faculty of Arts, Prague, 2001.
- Skoumalová Hana:
- "Bridge Dictionaries as Bridges Between Languages". In:
International Journal of Corpus Linguistics, special issue,
2001, pp. 95-105, ISSN 1384-6655.
- Skoumalová Hana, Straňáková-Lopatková Markéta and ®abokrtský Zdeněk:
- "Enhancing the Valency Dictionary of Czech Verbs:
Tectogrammatical Annotation". In: Proceedings of
TSD2001, LNAI 2166, Springer, 2001, pp. 142-149.
- Bateman John, Teich Elke, Kruijff-Korbayova Ivana, Kruiff
Gert-Jan, Sharoff Serge and Skoumalova Hana:
- "Resources for
multilingual text generation in three Slavic languages". In:
Proceedings of Second International Conference on Language
Resources and Evaluation ELRA, 2000, pp. 1763-1768.
- Kruijff Gert-Jan, Teich Elke, Bateman John, Kruijff-Korbayova
Ivana, Skoumalova Hana, Sharoff Serge, Sokolova Lena, Hartley Tony,
Staykova Kamenka and Hana Jiri:
- "A multilingual system for text
generation in three Slavic languages". In: Proceedings of the
18th Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING 2000),
Universität des Saarlandes, Saarbrücken, 2000, pp. 474-480.
- Skoumalova Hana:
- "Bridge dictionaries", In:
Proceedings of The Ninth EURALEX International Congress,
Stuttgart, August 2000, pp. 799-804.
- Skoumalova Hana:
- "Derived frames
and the lexicon", In: Issues of Valency and Meaning --
Studies in Honour of Jarmila Panevova (ed. by E. Hajicova),
Karolinum, Prague, 1998, pp. 154-168, ISBN 80-7184-601-5.
- Skoumalova Hana:
- "Czech lexicon by two-level morphology",
In: Proceedings of the Second European Seminar of
"Language Applications for a Multilingual Europe" (ed. by R.
Marcinkeviciene and N. Volz), IDS/VDU, Mannheim/Kaunas, 1997,
pp. 123-145, ISBN 9986-501-09-1.
- Skoumalova Hana:
- "
A Czech morphological lexicon", In: Proceedings of the Third Meeting of the ACL
Special Interest Group in
Computational Phonology, Madrid,
July 1997, pp. 41-47.
- Skoumalova Hana:
- "Verb frames in the Czech hierarchical
lexicon", In: TELRI
Newsletter No. 6, August 1997, pp. 18-32.
- Skoumalova Hana:
- "Czech
hierarchical lexicon", paper presented at an international seminar
on computational linguistics in Tübingen, September 1996.
- Heggie Lorie and Ordóñez Francisco:
- Clitic and Affix Combinations, LinguistList, http://linguistlist.org/issues/16/16-3131.html, 2005.
- Kó»a
- More?
- Cat stories (in Czech):
- Iči
- Cat stories (in Czech):
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110 00 Praha 1
Czech Republic
room No. 21
tel: (+420) 224 491 858
Last updated: February 2006