Unification-based grammars and linguistic description II

This course builds on `Unification-based grammars and linguistic description I' by providing a more detailed picture of linguistic theorizing rooted in the unification/constraint-based grammar framework. After brief presentations of GPSG and CUG, most of the time will be spent on HPSG: its formalism and solutions to a choice of linguistic phenomena, including those present in Slavic languages and Czech: agreement, valency, complement/adjunct distinction (if any), unbounded dependencies, inflection and derivation, word order, topic/focus articulation, semantic interpretation. Interested students will be encouraged to implement and test a toy HPSG grammar of their own in one of the available grammar-writing environments: ALE, ConTroll, LKB.


Introduction: the merits of constraint-based grammar formalisms for theoretical linguistics and natural language processing, an overview of assumptions

A comparison of constraint-based linguistic theories: GPSG, LFG, CUG, HPSG

Formalisms for HPSG and their possibilities

Solutions proposed within HPSG to some linguistic phenomena: valence, agreement, modification by adjuncts, function words, syntactic control, unbounded dependencies, inflection and derivation, word order, topic-focus articulation, binding, semantic interpretation; comparison to solutions proposed within alternative theories

Methods of implementation, grammar writing in systems Attribute-Logic Engine (ALE), ConTroll, LKB, Grammar Writer's Workbench